Stowmarket Youth Theatre

About Us

Stowmarket Youth Theatre (SYT) runs FREE participatory theatre projects for young people aged 14-18 who live or learn in and around Stowmarket. We welcome young people from all backgrounds and we do not hold auditions. Through our work we support participants to develop the skills required for performance, skills that are directly transferable to help cope with the challenges often faced in daily life.

SYT projects are delivered by experienced youth theatre practitioners informed by the young people who take part. Our programmes offer a safe space and high quality creative environment to explore ideas, make new friends and where each individual has the opportunity to grow and be heard.


Our next series of drama workshops begins in September 2024 – Tuesday evenings at The Mix in Stowmarket – and marks the start of an exciting new project “Our Very Own Storyland”. If you or a young person you know would like to get involved, click on the link opposite and complete our registration form. We will get in touch to confirm your place. Remember – SYT is free to take part and we do not hold auditions however spaces are limited. If you would like more information before signing up, please email Liz via or call 07775 778228.

“It (SYT) is an excellent experience and I love the safe and inclusive atmosphere. Meeting new people has always been a bit difficult for me but here it was easier.”

“It has taught me how I can cope with things in a positive way and channel my energy positively.”

A Bit of Background

Stowmarket Youth Theatre began in 2020 as drama@themix.  Working with the leading local youth organisation, The Mix Stowmarket, drama@themix filled a gap in provision by providing young people in Stowmarket the opportunity to get involved with a creative arts project.  

Since then, following 100s of drama sessions, some work shares and full-scale prodctions, the group has grown and in 2023 drama@themix transformed into Stowmarket Youth Theatre!  

Whilst continuing to work in close partnership with The Mix, SYT now operates as an independent registered charity fully focused on offering young people the chance of participating in long-term theatre projects and the benefits this brings. 

Join Us

If you’d like to get involved, please complete our registration form at the link below and we’ll contact you.

Our Productions

Twelfth Night

Stowmarket Youth Theatre - Final Dance

In July SYT performed Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” outside in the Bee Garden at the Food Museum in Stowmarket.  After 13 weeks of rehearsals, line learning and hard work we had the best time, great audiences and even some sunshine!  Catch some highlights by watching our short film via the link below.

The Wardrobe

The Wardrobe - Stowmarket Youth Theatre

In July 2023, SYT staged “The Wardrobe” in the Chapel at the Food Museum in Stowmarket. 150 people came to see the play which tells the story of a piece of furniture built hundreds of years ago that has survived to the present day and the different people that climbed into it over the centuries and why.

Our young cast spent 10 weeks in rehearsal. They worked extremely hard, produced amazing performances and had a lot of fun!